About Daisy
Daisy Deomampo is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Fordham University. She is a cultural and medical anthropologist whose research interests include science and technology studies, gender and health, and bioethics and social justice.
Her book, Transnational Reproduction: Race, Kinship, and Commercial Surrogacy in India (2016, NYU Press), is the first to foreground issues of race and racialization in the context of transnational surrogacy in India. The book is based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork in India with Indian surrogate mothers, Western intended parents, and egg donors from around the world, as well as doctors and other actors.
Dr. Deomampo's research and writing have been supported by multiple sources including the National Science Foundation, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. Her current research explores the social meanings of race in the context of egg and sperm donation in the United States.
Curriculum Vitae
Lecture at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor of Anthropology, Fordham University
Faculty Affiliate: Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, Center for Ethics Education Bioethics Program
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Fordham University
Ph.D. Anthropology, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, 2013
M.A. International Affairs, The New School, 2004
B.S. Linguistics & Spanish, Certificate in Global Cultures, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998
Transnational Reproduction: Race, Kinship, and Commercial Surrogacy in India. New York: New York University Press.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Race, Nation, and the Production of Intimacy: Transnational Egg Donation in India. positions: asia critique 24(1): 303-332.
Defining Parents, Making Citizens: Nationality and Citizenship in Transnational Surrogacy. Medical Anthropology 34(3): 210-225.
Extending Theory, Rupturing Boundaries: Reproduction, Health, and Medicine Beyond North-South Boundaries [co-authored with Nayantara Sheoran and Cecilia Van Hollen]. Medical Anthropology 34(3): 185-191.
Transnational Surrogacy in India: Interrogating Power and Women’s Agency. Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies 34(3): 167-188.
Gendered Geographies of Reproductive Tourism. Gender & Society 27(4): 514-537.
Gender, Sexuality and AIDS in Brazil: Transformative Approaches to HIV prevention. Michigan Discussions in Anthropology 17(1): 108-131.
Reprinted articles
Transnational Surrogacy in India: Interrogating Power and Women’s Agency. In The Gender, Culture, and Power Reader, edited by Dorothy L. Hodgson. Pp. 56-64. New York: Oxford University Press.
Edited journal issues
Extending Theory, Rupturing Boundaries: Reproduction, Health, and Medicine Beyond North-South Binaries. Special issue of Medical Anthropology 34(3). Co-edited with Nayantara Sheoran.
Online publications
Beyond “Wombs for Rent”: Indian Surrogates and the Need for Evidence-Based Policy. Invited blog post for Somatosphere. June 5.
Engaged Anthropology. Blog post for Wenner-Gren Foundation. April 29.
Movement and Mobility in Transnational Surrogacy. Blog post for Gender & Society blog. August 27.
Book reviews
In press
Conceptions: Infertility and Procreative Technologies in India, by Aditya Bharadwaj. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
Globalization and Transnational Surrogacy in India: Outsourcing Life, edited by Sayantani DasGupta and Shamita Das Dasgupta. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 37(4): 739-740.
Other publications
Negotiating Kinship in Transnational Surrogacy. Anthropology News 53(4): 5,13.
We are Part of the Solution. AIDS Legal Network Quarterly Oct. 2008: 71.
Understanding Sexual Pleasure and Desire. AIDS Legal Network Quarterly Oct. 2008: 11.
News from the Margins. Mujeres Adelante, Daily newsletter on women’s rights and HIV—International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, 8/8/2008.
Grants and Fellowships
Wenner-Gren Foundation Workshop Grant
Wenner-Gren Foundation Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship
Wenner-Gren Foundation Engaged Anthropology Grant
Consortium for Faculty Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowship [declined]
Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship
American Association of University Women (AAUW) American Dissertation Fellowship [declined]
National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant
Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant
Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, Hindi (University of Wisconsin)
Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, Portuguese (University of Florida)
Fordham University Faculty Fellowship
Fordham University Faculty Research Grant
Fordham University Manuscript Publication Assistance Award
Fordham University Faculty Research Grant
CUNY Graduate Center Dissertation Year Fellowship
CUNY Graduate Center Doctoral Student Research Grant
CUNY Anthropology Summer Research and Travel Grant
CUNY Graduate Center Chancellor’s Fellowship
Academic Year Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, Portuguese (University of Michigan)
The New School Tuition Scholarship
Honors and Awards
Society for Medical Anthropology Charles Hughes Graduate Student Paper Prize
Society for Medical Anthropology Student Travel Award
Wenner-Gren Foundation Osmundsen Initiative Award
Conference Activity
Panels organized and chaired
Race, Reproduction, Risk: Exposures in Feminist Ethnographies of Science and Technology. Session co-organizer and co-chair, American Ethnological Society Annual Meeting. Stanford, CA, March 31.
Race-Reproductivities: The R-R Politics of Evidence, Accident, and Discovery. Executive session co-chair, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN, November 20.
Nuclear Science, Reproductive Technologies, and the Making of Future Families: Genetics, Race, Kinship, and Nation. Session co-organizer and chair, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, November 23.
Extending Theory, Rupturing Boundaries: Health, Medicine, and Reproduction Beyond North-South Binaries. Session co-organizer and co-chair, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, November 17.
Tracing Reproductive and Contraceptive Relations: Reproductive Politics, Technological Innovations and Legacies of Globalization. Session co-organizer and co-chair, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada, November 18.
Reproductive and Contraceptive Technologies: Shifting Subjectivities and Contemporary Lives. Session co-organizer and co-chair, Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting. Cleveland, OH, November 5.
Conference presentations
Race, ethics, and value: Egg donation in Asian America. Conference on Reproductive Ethics. Albany, NY, April 8.
Race, genes, and identity: Oocyte donation in Asian America. American Ethnological Society Annual Meeting. Stanford, CA, March 31.
Race, justice, and reproductive science: Transnational surrogacy and related technologies. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN, November 17.
Race, reproductive justice, and transnational surrogacy in India. Baby Markets Congress, University of California-Irvine School of Law. Newport Beach, CA, April 2.
Physician racism and the construction of kinship in transnational surrogacy. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Association for Feminist Anthropology Invited Session. Denver, CO, November 21.
Consumption, community, and biosociality: Creating communities of parents through transnational surrogacy. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting. New York, NY, February 28.
Consumption, community, and biosociality: Creating communities of parents through transnational surrogacy. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, December 4.
Reflections: Global surrogacy practices. International Forum on Intercountry Adoption and Global Surrogacy. International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Netherlands, August 11.
Biosociality and how bodies suffer: Cesarean delivery and commercial surrogacy in India. Conference on Population and Development: Anthropological Perspectives. Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University. Providence, RI, March 15.
Genes, gifts, and globe-trotting egg donors: Transnational reproduction in India. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, November 23.
Genes, gifts, and globe-trotting egg donors: Transnational reproduction in India. Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, October 11.
Race, skin tone, and the production of intimacy: Transnational egg donation in India. Workshop on Intimate Industries in Asia at Pomona College. Claremont, CA, March 8.
Defining parents, making citizens: Nationality and kinship in transnational surrogacy. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, November 18.
The construction of citizenship in transnational spaces: Global surrogacy in India. 3rd Annual Global Lives Conference, Stony Brook University. New York, NY, October 13.
Stratified reproduction and transnational surrogacy in India. Conference of Ford Fellows. Newport Beach, CA, September 22.
Stratified reproduction, donor egg IVF, and transnational surrogacy in India. The Tarrytown Meetings, Center for Genetics and Society. Tarrytown, NY, July 25.
Genes, race and relatedness: Negotiating kinship in transnational surrogacy. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada, November 18.
Transnational surrogacy, kinship and reproductive relations in India. Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting. Cleveland, OH, November 5.
Transnational surrogacy in India: Ethnographic perspectives. The Tarrytown Meetings, Center for Genetics and Society. Tarrytown, NY, July 25.
The new global ‘division of labor’: Reproductive tourism in Mumbai, India. Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin. Madison, WI, October 25.
Making families in India: Physicians’ discourses on transnational surrogacy. Globalization and Society in India Working Group Conference at George Mason University. Fairfax, VA, February 26.
Economics, policy and kinship in transnational Indian surrogacy: Examining physicians’ narratives. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, November 22.
Developing effective sexual violence referral information for youth: The P-process in action. Co-authored conference paper, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, October 27.
Dating violence in New York City high school males: Aggression, victimization, and reciprocal violence. Co-authored conference paper, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, October 28.
Feminism in the age of HIV/AIDS: Voices from South African activists. Co-authored poster presentation, XVII International AIDS Conference. Mexico City, August 5.
Gender and activism in the new South Africa: Reflections on feminism, resistance, and the Zuma rape trial. Conference on Interrogating Diversity, American University. Washington, DC, March 22.
Discussant and moderator roles
Panel discussant, The Donor Project. Shoestring Press. Brooklyn, NY, April 13.
Seminar discussant, “‘I know it when I see it’: Dis/similarity in Medieval Muslim Determinations of Paternity.” History of Science, Technology, Environment, and Medicine (HSTEM) Seminar, Fordham University. New York, NY, March 11.
Panel discussant, Made in India: Screening and Discussion. Center for Health, Media and Policy, Hunter College. New York, NY, February 23.
Panel moderator, Feminist Research Methodologies. Feminist Pedagogy Conference, CUNY Graduate Center. New York, NY, November 6.
Invited Lectures and Presentations
Transnational reproduction: Race, kinship, and commercial surrogacy in India. The Center for Ethics Education, Fordham University. Bronx, NY, April 27.
Beyond “wombs for rent”: Indian surrogates and the need for evidence based policy. Global Bioethics Initiative, The United Nations. New York, NY, March 23.
Imagining race in transnational surrogacy. Department of Anthropology, Vanderbilt University. Nashville, TN, March 18.
Imagining race in transnational surrogacy. South Asia Center, Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY, November 10.
Possibilities for action? Transnational surrogacy and implications for policy, health, and human rights. Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies Monthly Seminar Series, Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Mumbai, India, January 8.
Reproductive tourism and the politics of reproduction. Department of Anthropology Graduate Seminar, New York University. New York, NY, February 15.
Medical anthropology and reproductive tourism in India. Bard Prison Initiative, Bayview Correctional Facility for Women. New York, NY, March 31.
Reflections on fieldwork and diva donors. Marginalia meets Caesura, Center for Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center. New York, NY, February 18.
Teaching Experience
Fordham University, Bronx, NY
Race, Sex, and Science (Spring 2017)
Reproductive Technologies: Global Perspectives (Spring 2016, Fall 2016)
Health, Healing, and Social Justice (Spring 2016, Spring 2017)
Anthropology of Health & Healing (Spring 2014)
Vocation of the Health Care Provider (Fall 2013)
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Fall 2016)
Hunter College, CUNY, New York, NY
Peoples and Cultures of South Asia (Spring 2012)
Medical Anthropology (Spring 2009, Fall 2009)
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Fall 2008)
Professional Activities and Affiliations
Professional Service
Grant Reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2015
Faculty mentor, Society for Medical Anthropology, 2015
Award committee member, Society for Medical Anthropology Charles Hughes Paper Prize, 2014
Journal Manuscript Review: American Anthropologist | Gender & Society | Gender, Technology and Development | Health, Risk & Society | Journal of Intercultural Studies | Medical Anthropology | Social Science & Medicine | Women’s Studies International Forum
Book Manuscript Review: Indiana University Press, University of Texas Press
University Service — Fordham University
Member, American Pluralism Assessment Committee, 2017
Reviewer, Undergraduate Research Grants, 2016
Member, Committee on Health Professions, 2016
Faculty Reviewer, Fordham Undergraduate Research Journal, 2016
Reviewer, Faculty Research Grants, 2015, 2016
Departmental Service — Fordham University
Member, Merit Committee, 2016
Reviewer, Ewing Memorial Award, Fordham University, 2015, 2017
Member, Faculty Search Committee, Fordham University, 2015–16
Mentor, Undergraduate Research, Fordham University, 2014–present
Reviewer, Academic Integrity Violation Case, Fordham University, 2014
Professional Memberships and Working Groups
American Anthropological Association (Sections: Society for Medical Anthropology, Association for Feminist Anthropology, Society for Cultural Anthropology)
Society for Social Studies of Science
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) Working Group
Race and Reproductivities Working Group
Spanish: proficient speaking, reading, and writing
Portuguese: elementary speaking, reading, and writing
Hindi: elementary speaking, reading, and writing
Tagalog: basic comprehension (heritage language)